The Best Residential School in the North East region in Teaching Learning Practices

Proud moment for all of us here at Sacred Heart 👏👏 Only going to make us work harder and strive to be even better. ASSOMCHAM has awarded our school “The Best Residential School in the North East region in Teaching Learning Practices.” Mr. R.K Das, Senior School Co-ordinator, represented the school to receive the award on 19th July 2024.


AHLIS Volleyball tournament on 18th & 19th April, 2024

The U-19 and the U 17 volley ball teams from Sacred Heart School participated in the AHLIS Volleyball tournament on 18th & 19th April, 2024. They put up a good competition. However, we had to graciously give up the winning trophy to other worthy contenders. The U-17 boys brought home the 3rd place trophy won against a match with Saptashree.


Foot Camp in Sacred Heart School, 2024

The students in Sacred Heart School are currently getting their feet tested to check for flatfoot and any form of misalignment that may hamper long term growth. Foot balance with the help of their team of podiatrist are hosting a foot camp in Sacred Heart School.


Home Clothes Day, 2024

Sacred Heart School, Siliguri enjoys a “Home Clothes Day” once a month to break the monotony of the school uniform and to learn discipline even with the use of our coloured clothes. Thursday 25th April was a “Homes Clothes Day” this month.


Earth Day Celebrations at Sacred Heart School, 2024


AHLIS Volleyball tournament, 2024

The U-19 and the U 17 volley ball teams from Sacred Heart School participated in the AHLIS Volleyball tournament on 18th & 19th April, 2024. They put up a good competition. However, we had to graciously give up the winning trophy to other worthy contenders. The U-17 boys brought home the 3rd place trophy won against a match with Saptashree.


An Investiture ceremony, 2024

The Primary School held an Investiture ceremony to induct the young leaders to take up responsibilities and an Award Celebration to acknowledge the academic achievements of students in the previous academic year was held on 5th April in the School Boys Hall.


Grade 6 boys enjoyed a picnic, 2024

Picnics and Outings are in integral part of the School Programme in Sacred Heart School. On Sunday, 7th April, the Grade 6 boys enjoyed a picnic with their class teachers.


Grade 7 boys enjoyed a fun, 2024

The Grade 7 boys enjoyed a fun filled day in a nearby picnic spot with their class teachers. It was a great day to enjoy a Sunday!


Grade X boys undertook a trek, 2024

Sacred Heart School is amongst the few schools where Outward Bound Activities is participated with enthusiasm and vigour by both students and teachers. The Grade X boys undertook a successful and arduous 68 kms trek in an altitude of 12,000 ft. Glory be to Sacred Heart!


Completed an arduous 68 kms trek, 2024

Every Success creates a Culture! The Grade X & XII Girls from Sacred Heart School must be congratulated along with thier teachers Ms Ranjana Sharma, Mr Biru Sherpa and Ms. Alma Lakra for completing an arduous 68 kms trek in an altitude of 12,000 ft. Glory be to Sacred Heart!


A weekly meditation time, 2024

It has been a sincere endeavor of the teaching community of Sacred Heart School to prepare our students for Life! A weekly meditation time has been kept for the Middle School boys to help teach mindfullness and alertness of the mind.


An expedition to Phalut, 2024

The Grade XII Boys successfully completed an expedition to Phalut- one of the peaks in the Sangalila Range at an altitude of 12000 feet and a trek that covered a distance of over 7o kms. Congratulations to Mr J.P Hembron, Mr Ashish Lepcha and the Grade XII boys. Also accompanying the boys was our alumni- Master Rohan Das who had taken a break from his MBBS internship programme.


Jodogyan Workshop on 8th and 9th April, 2024

The Maths Department from Sacred Heart School, Siliguri participated in a Jodogyan Workshop on 8th and 9th April. Jodogyan uses simple materials to make maths concepts fun and fosters deep learning. This will surely have its impact in the learning process in Sacred Heart School.


A leadership and an independence of thought!

“A Thought Leader is someone who looks at the future and sets a course for it so that others can follow”. The Young Leaders in Sacred Heart School were invested with their responsibilities on Wednesday 17th April and the Principal in his message emphasised that apart from inculcating the strong moral characters that make a good leader, it is equally important to have a leadership and an independence of thought!


Picnic in Madhuban park on 21st April, 2024

The Primary School enjoyed a picnic in Madhuban park on 21st April with their teachers.


The Annual Awards Day – 20th April, 2024

The Annual Awards Day- 2024 was celebrated on 20th April, 2024 in Sacred Heart School. Dr Soumen Bhattacharjee, a celebrated Academician and Professor in the Zoology department handed out the awards to the achievers from the Academic Year 2023-24.


Weekly House Activity, 2024

The Primary School in Sacred Heart School started their weekly house activity with a Just A Minute session where the talented students from the Primary School showcased their wit and talent on Friday 29th March.


Rangoli Competition, 2024

Rangoli Competition at Sacred Heart School on the event of Holi


The begining of The Holi Celebrations, 2024

The Holi Celebrations started in Sacred Heart School from the evening of 24th March with the Holika prayers to celebrate the triumph of good over evil.


Celebration of Holi – the festival of colours, 2024

Holi- the festival of colours was celebrated in Sacred Heart School with a morning assembly, play of colours, sumptuous food and a rangoli competition. It was a day enjoyed by all.


Basketball Match competition, 2024

Basketball Match between ICSE and whole School.. ICSE won the match 34-22


Arts Competition


Teachers workshop in progress

The faculty of Sacred Heart School had a relaxed session with Mrs. Priyakee Gupta, the co Director of the school. Priyakee Ma’am very endearingly termed the faculty as Team Awesome and took them through a workshop that focused on the need of strengthening one’s soft skills in order to turn into an involver. Needless to say, the warmth and affection of Priyakee Ma’am coupled with her superb oratory skills laced with humour was greatly appreciated by the members of the staff.


Shikangan Workshop

The teaching faculty of Sacred Heart School had an enriching experience in their recent training session with the educators of Sikshangan, Ms. Devika Nadiq and Mr. Vijay Gupta. It was indeed an enlightening workshop conducted for three days spanning from 26th February to 28th February, where the modes of effective teaching were discussed in detail. The new academic year would certainly proceed with a growth mindset. Teachers and learners could expect a gradual release of responsibility in the spheres of learning


Teachers workshop with Deepika ma’am

An engaging session with the founder of Deepani Encore, Psychologist and counselor Mrs. Deepika Tarafdar was organized for the staff of Sacred Heart School from 7th March 24 to 9th March 24. This interactive workshop reaffirmed our faith on the fact that mental well-being is of primary importance. The faculty is now equipped with refreshed understanding and aims at journaling not just the academic progress of learners, but also their mental well-being.


Celebration of the academic achievements of the high academic achievers

Sacred Heart School celebrated the academic achievements of the high academic achievers in the 2nd term exams. Their achievement was acknowledged and their names were recorded in the Academic Roll of Honour book for posterity.


“Career Month” under the leadership of the Commerce Department

The teachers of Sacred Heart School launched the “Career Month” under the leadership of the Commerce Department in the month of January. The teachers researched extensively on the different career options and held presentations every morning to inform students. The career counselling team- “Stratospheric” was also invited to school to support this initiative. Students on their part also designed board presentations to display their learning and share the information gained.


“महाभारत की एक साँझ” नाटक की सफलता

” सैक्रेड हार्ट परिवार” के सभी सदस्य को “महाभारत की एक साँझ” नाटक की सफलता पूर्वक नाट्य मंचन के लिए हार्दिक एवं तहे दिल से कोटि-कोटि बधाइयाँ |
” महाभारत की एक साँझ ” भारत भूषण अग्रवाल द्वारा लिखित एकांकी का नाट्य मंचन सेक्रेड हार्ट स्कूल, सिलिगुड़ी, के “भाषा विभाग” द्वारा सफलतापूर्वक मंचन किया गया | इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में विद्यालय के निदेशक महोदय, श्री अनिल गुप्ता एवं निदेशिका श्रीमती प्रियाकी गुप्ताद्वारा दीप प्रज्वलित कर की गई |
इस नाटक के सफलतापूर्वक मंचन में पर्दे के आगे कुछ नए पात्रों का भी संयोजन किया गया | जिसमें समय के रूप में वर्ग 11वीं के अभिनव कुमार ने अभूतपूर्व भूमिका निभाई, धृतराष्ट्र के रूप में वर्ग नवम के शिवानंद द्विवेदी ने अपना उत्कृष्ट योगदान दिया, संजय के रूप में वर्ग नवी के साकेत दास ने सफलतापूर्वक योगदान दिया | अहेरी के रूप में वर्ग नौवीं के रितिक राज ने अनोखा योगदान दिया |
कृष्ण के रूप में अभिज्ञा अग्रवाल ने अपने अनूठे अंदाज से सभी दर्शकों को भाव विभोर कर दिया | दुर्योधन के रूप में वर्ग नवी के मयंक अग्रवाल ने सभी दर्शकों का दिल जीत लिया तो वही, वर्ग 11वीं के भीम के रूप में रुद्र प्रताप ने यादगार प्रदर्शन किया, अर्जुन के रूप में वर्ग 9वी के स्वयं कृष्णा, नकुल के रूप में प्रियांशु राज, सहदेव के रूप में यथार्थ जायसवाल, कृपाचार्य के रूप में अविनाश कुमार, कृत वर्मा के रूप में ओम कुमार, अश्वत्थामा के रूप में प्रिंस मान साह, मद्र नरेश के रूप में आदित्य गुप्ता, बलराम के रूप में प्रत्यूष कुमार सिंह,कार्यक्रम संचालक के रूप में अंश कुमार, तथा दीप प्रज्वलन के समय शिवानंद द्विवेदी द्वारा बांसुरी वादन एवं संगीत मंडली के अध्यापक श्री पंकज विश्वकर्मा, तथा स्वर एवं आवाज के लिए श्री हिल्टन उपसन की भूमिका अविष्ममरणीय रही | रूप सौंदर्य के लिए श्रीमती समीम हरली, सुश्री समृता मंगर, श्रीमती अदिति मुखर्जी, दीपा खड्का, निकिता सरकार, पूजा मोहिंता, एवं सारिका बसु तथा मालिनी बनर्जी का योगदान अविस्मरणीय रहेगा |
“आर्ट और क्राफ्ट ” शिक्षकों का इस नाटक को सफल बनाने में अभूतपूर्व योगदान रहा है |
इस नाटक का निर्देशन- श्री धमेन्द्र पोद्दार तथा सह -निर्देशिका के रूप में श्रीमती ज्योति गुप्ता एवं सुश्री अल्मा लकड़ा जिन्हें अपनी भूमिका निभाई है |
पोशाक एवं अस्त्र-शास्त्र के समायोजन के लिए श्री तारा निरुला, एवं श्री संघर्ष छेत्री जी का आभार व्यक्त करते हैं |
महाभारत की एक साँझ नाटक का प्रस्ताव हमारे विद्यालय के संयोजक श्री राकेश दास जी ने किया था हम सभी के सहयोग के लिए सदैव ऋणी रहेंगे |
हम सभी विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य श्री प्रफुल्ल मनी प्रधान एवं हमारे विद्यालय के निर्देशक निर्देशिका महोदय महोदय श्री अनिल गुप्ता जी प्रियाकी गुप्ता जी का सदा आभारी रहेंगे | अंत में सेक्रेड हार्ट परिवार के सभी सदस्य को कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद


Science Exhibition was organised by the Science Department

An engaging Science Exhibition was organised by the Science Department on 29th and 30th January, 2024. The students presented science models, explained concepts, ideas and findings that kept the school community enthralled and curious over the two days of presentation.


“Graduation Day” for the Batch of ISC-2024

“Graduation Day” for the Batch of ISC-2024 was celebrated on 8th February, 2024 in Sacred Heart School. Dr. Pranab Ghosh, an accomplished and celebrated academician was the chief guest for the day and he blessed the graduates with his good wishes and valuable advice.


The Primary School enjoyed a day out in an amusement park “Dreamland”

The Primary School enjoyed a day out in an amusement park “Dreamland” in the month of January. It was a day enjoyed by all.


The Science Exhibition, 2024

Science is not just about knowing. It is about doing. Science teaches not just theories but insists on the application of knowledge. With this view in mind, the Science Department hosted an exhibition in the Boys’ Study Hall on 30th and 31st of January 24.It was indeed a heart warming experience to witness the entire school coming to the exhibition with genuine interest. Students presented different models and demonstrated various experiments before a curious set of audience leaving even their teachers awestruck. The ease with which our young Heartians explained difficult scientific phenomenon to their peers and teachers was no doubt praiseworthy. At the end we were greatly proud of our confident demonstrators who had not just learnt text book science but had also made an important discovery. They found out for themselves that science can be fun.


Celebration of the 75th Republic Day

Sacred Heart School celebrated the 75th Republic Day with the hoisting of the national flag, parade and inspiring speeches from students in different languages. The displays were inspiring and executed with finesse.


Enjoyable presentation by teachers,SHS

The Annual SHS School Fete was organised on 26th January during the Republic Day. The fete included an enjoyable presentation by teachers, engaging games, colourful stalls and good food. The day was enjoyed by all parents, students, visitors and teachers.





Goodluck Tea Party for ICSE Students



Inter House Spell Bee competition 2023-24



Observation of Career week to enlighten the little ones

Career counseling cannot be limited to Senior school students in a fast changing world. Primary wing at SHS, Siliguri is observing Career week to enlighten the little ones with the various career options open before them as per choice of their favourite subject. This will widen their vision, increase focus and unleash their creativity and passion.


Random glimpses of life at Sacred Heart school



Interschool Kick boxing Championship

It is a pleasure to announce that we stood first in the Interschool Kick boxing Championship with a medal tally of 18!


Musical adaptation of “A Christmas Carol”

Sacred Heart School staged the biennial concert – a musical adaptation of “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens on 20th and 21st November 23 at the Girls’ Hall of the school. The Production was encouraged by the gracious presence of Dr. Pal, Director; Modi School; Fr. Jose, Principal, Don Bosco School, Mr Chetan Tiwari, Director, St. Anthony’s School, Kurseong; Ms Chandrama Pradhan, Director, Sri Sri Academy along with a host of other dignitaries.

Rigorous rehearsals were held under the supervision and guidance of the Principal, Mr. Prafullamani Pradhan who very graciously directed the play. As aptly stated by the Principal, the Annual Production was a Production of the Students, by the Students and for the Students under the guidance of the adult community of SHS..


Heartwarming programme presented by Primary school,2023

The Christmas Spirit visited Sacred Heart School with a heartwarming programme presented by the Primary school on 12 th December, 2023.
The evening commenced with the cherished tradition of the Blessing of the Cribb by Honourable Father Edward Arokiaraj and Father Kalyan Tirkey setting the stage for a heartwarming celebration of the season’s blessings. The programme was enjoyed by all.


Christmas Magic by Primary Section, 2023



The exuberant Annual Boys’ Inter House Swimming Gala, 2023

“Feel your way through the water. Don’t fight it.”
The exuberant Annual Boys’ Inter House Swimming Gala was held on Friday 13th October, 2023 in Sacred Heart School. Mr. Sonam Wangdi Bhutia (IAS) Commissioner, Siliguri Municipality graced the occasion as the Chief Guest while Mr. Naveen Katwal, Principal Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong was the Guest of Honour along with other dignitaries.


The Girls’ Swimming Gala , 2023

“If you want to learn to swim, jump into the water. On dry land, no frame of mind is ever going to help you.”
The Girls’ Swimming Gala was conducted on Friday 13th October with much enthusiasm and fanfare. Mrs. Arundhati Bhramacharya was the Chief Guest for the event. Mrs. Brahmacharya is a Blue Badge in Table Tennis and as an International Umpire has officiated many International matches in the Commonwealth games, Asral Tournament in Bulgaria and is presently set to umpire the 4th Asian Para Games in Hangzhou, China.


An interhouse vernacular elocution contest, 2023

An interhouse vernacular elocution contest was conducted on Saturday, 23rd September. A dedicated effort from the participants resulted in a engaging presentation which moved and enthralled the audience.


Inter House Kick Boxing Tournament,2023

“Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee”. The Inter House Kick Boxing Tournament was held on Sunday 24th September. Kickboxing has been introduced to the primary and middle school boys and girls who have taken up the sport with much enthusiasm.


A Colourful Inter House Dance Competition,2023

A Colourful Inter House Dance Competition was conducted on Monday 25th September with much flamboyance and exuberance. Dances showcased different folk cultures and contemporary dance styles with some houses trying an experimental musical fusion to garner the much needed house points!


The Examination for the The Trinity College of Music, London

The Examination for the The Trinity College of Music, London was held on 4th September in Sacred Heart School. Students have appeared for the initial level Examination in Keyboards and Guitar


Weekend Picnics, 9th September, 2023

Weekend Picnics are a great way to enjoy a Sunday. The Grade X Girls had gone out with their teachers for a Picnic on Sunday 9th September.


Weekend Outings, 16th September, 2023

Weekend Outings are always cherished and remembered forever. The grade X A boys went for a short outing and a Picnic on Sunday, 16th September.


Teachers’ Day Celebration


Exploring the Himalayan State of Sikkim

The Grade VI & VII Boys are presently exploring the Himalayan State of Sikkim with its majestic mountains and the varied flora and fauna. Excursions are a part of the school curriculum in SHS.


An excursion to Delhi, Agra and Jaipur

The Grade VIII to XI Girls of Sacred Heart School are on an excursion to Delhi, Agra and Jaipur with their teachers- Mr Nigam Pradhan, Ms Debopriya Sikdar and MS Indrani Goswami. August and September are the months for exploration in Sacred Heart School. and we wish the excursion party the very best as it progresses. The excursion has started on Wednesday 30th August, 2023.


Explore the hills of Pelling and Kalimpong

The months of August and September are the months for exploration in Sacred Heart School. This year, the grade VI & VII Girls have planned to explore the hills of Pelling and Kalimpong with their teachers- Mr Norden Sherpa, Ms Alma Lakra and Ms Poonam Mishra. We wish the excursion party the very best as the excursion progresses. The excursion has started on Monday 29th August, 2023.


Excursion progresses in the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal

August and September are the months for exploration in Sacred Heart School. The grade VIII boys’ excursion progresses in the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal as they explore the country with their teachers- Mr. Sangarsh Chhetri and Mr Mithun Chakrabarty. We wish the excursion party the very best as it progresses. The excursion has started on Monday 26th August, 2023.


Police Department and Traffic Police Department

The students and teachers of Sacred Heart School expressed their gratitude to the Police Department and Traffic Police Department with a group of student representatives and teachers offering the sacred threads of rakhee to the personnel present for their daily duty in their post.


The Interschool AHCISCE-NB Debate- 2023

The Interschool AHCISCE-NB Debate- 2023 was held in Sacred Heart School, Siliguri on Saturday, 19th August, 2023. The debate was held in two categories- Category 1- Classes 10 and below; Category 2- Classes 10 & 12.
13 schools participated in the 1st category while 10 schools participated in the 2nd category.
The results of the day were-
Category 1
1st Position- St. Joseph’s School, Bhaktinagar
2nd Position- Nirmala Convent, Siliguri
3rd Position- St. Joseph’s School, Matigara
Best Speaker- Anuska Karmakar. St. Joseph’s School, Bhaktinagar

Category 2
1st Position-Nirmala Convent, Siliguri
2nd Position- Mahbert School, Siliguri
3rd Position- Sacred Heart School, Siliguri
Best Speaker- Dewang Jain, Mahbert High School, Siliguri


77th Independence day Celebration

Sacred Heart School celebrated the 77th Independence day with a colourful programme organised by the teachers and students. The day started with the hoisting of the National Flag, the singing of the National Anthem and followed with different inspiring speeches, dances and patriotic songs. A nukkar natak by the primary students and pyramid formation by the scouts drew applause and admiration from all.




Kick Boxing, 2023


Career Counselling session at Sacred Heart School, Siliguri by CA Manisha Agarwal on 31/07/23

The Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI) is a body set up under an Act of the Parliament to regulate the accountancy profession. The Siliguri Branch under the aegis of the ICAI organised a Career Counselling session at Sacred Heart School, Siliguri by CA Manisha Agarwal on 31/07/23.

Making the students aware of how to join the course and pursue the CA course; Making them aware about the career opportunities and the role played by the Chartered Accountants for the government and the society, were the highlights of the session.



Debate competitions are an excellent platform for students to showcase their critical thinking, public speaking, and analytical skills.
Our school conducts an inter house debate competition every year. This year also we started our Annual Discourse on 15th July,2023. After a rigorous selection process the top four houses advanced for the final round. The topic of the debate in the final was “Technology creates more job opportunities than it eliminates”. All the speakers delivered their content with confidence but in the end Mother Teresa emerged as the winning team. The debate was judged by three eminent judges- Mr. Prem Agarwal, Ms.Elisa Dhar Chattopadhyay and Mrs.Priyakee Gupta.
Overall, the competition was a resounding success, and all the participants were praised for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to the art of debating.


Bhanu Jayanti Celebration on 20th July, 2023

Sacred Heart School, Siliguri celebrated Bhanu Jayanti on 20th July, 2023.
The students put up a spectacular show, depicting the great laureate and his legacy. Indian culture, particularly the Nepali community, owes a great deal to his magnum opus. Alongside the school community, we were blessed to have in the audience -Mr. Pallawib Singock, Mr. Raja Puniani, Mr. Khem Sapkota and Mrs. Deepika Tarafdar. The amalgamation of dances, songs, Ram Lila and theater sewed into the tapestry of a cultural spectacle , made an unforgettable day.


Rabindra Jyanti Celebrarion-2023

Rabindra Jyanti was celebrated in Sacred Heart School on 9th May. The Chief Guest for the event was Ms Shampa Dutta Ray, Principal of Lincolns High School, Siliguri.


Maths Trail- an arduous competitive event-2023

Maths Trail- an arduous competitive event for the houses that made the best brains of the houses follow a trail of clues and problem solving to reach the correct solution was conducted by the Mathematics department on Saturday 20th May.


Labour Day Celebrarion-2023

Labour Day was celebrated in Sacred Heart School on 1st May, 2023 with a special programme for our utility workers. All workers were acknowledged for their contribution and fun games and a football match was organised by teachers and students.


Elocution Contest organised by The Primary School

The Primary School organised an Elocution Contest on 5th May in the School Hall. All students performed well. Mrs. Priyakee Gupta acknowledged the effort of the teachers and applauded the performances of the students.


Some glimpses of our Science City Visit


Pizza treats from the Pastoral and Admin team

The Pastoral and Admin team in Sacred Heart School have lately started monthly pizza treats to teach children how to make choices and also break the monotony in their school food.


The Grade 7 boys enjoyed a day’s picnic, 2023

The Grade 7 boys enjoyed a day’s picnic with their class teachers on 7 th May. The day was spent exploring, playing fun games and having good food.


The AHLIS Interschool Volleyball tournament-2023

The AHLIS Interschool Volleyball tournament-2023 was hosted and held in Sacred Heart School on 28th and 29th April.
Twelve schools participated and competed for the championship cup. The memorable day saw Saptashri Gyanpeeth emerge victorious as the Champions while Himali Boarding School and Sacred Heart School were the Runners Up and Second Runners Up respectively. The two days extravaganza saw excellent sportsmanship, talent and brilliant performances.


Visits to the Science City 2023

The students of Sacred Heart School have recently started their weekly visits to the Science City to encourage scientific temperament and critical thinking amongst selected promising students.


Seminars for the science students from 9-12

The science department has been organising seminars for the science students from 9-12. The first seminar was on theory of relativity by the physics students.


Students participated in the SJSMUN on 29th and 30th April, 2023

The students of Sacred Heart School participated in the SJSMUN on 29th and 30th April in St. Joseph School, Bhaktinagar. Mr. Gautam Mukherjee and Ms. Spandita Purkait heads the MUN in SHS and their engagement with the students have improved standards in the school.


Interhouse Power Point Presentation(PPT) Competition 2023

An Interhouse Power Point Presentation(PPT) Competition was conducted on Saturday, 21st April. The houses explored varied topics ranging from Artificial Intelligence, Evolution of Artificial Intelligence, History and Discovery of the Milky way galaxy, Effects of the internet on children to Journey from Monkey to Man. The presentations were well researched and engaging.


SHS students participated in the YOIMUN

11 students from SHS participated in the YOIMUN- a much anticipated event organised in G.D Goenka School, Siliguri on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd April.


AHLIS Interschool Volleyball Competition

The Girls’ Volleyball Team from Sacred Heart School, Siliguri participated in the AHLIS Interschool Volleyball held in Orange Lake in 21st April. Though the team put up a good fight, no awards were won that day.


Home Clothes Day 2023

Home Clothes Day is organised once a month to emhasise on good discipline even without a school uniform and to break the monotony of wearing the same clothes everyday!


Earth Day celebration 2023

Earth Day was celebrated in Sacred Heart School on 21st April. A programme was organised by the SST department which included a Nukkar Natak, School Band Performance and speeches to bring awareness on conservation and environmental protection.


Grade XII Expedition to Phalut and Sandakpu

The Grade XII Expedition to Phalut and Sandakpu was successfully concluded on Tuesday 4th April. The International Award For Young People’s Expedition was headed by Mr. Jai Prakash Hembron and Mr Sukan Chhetri.
The boys trekked through 12000 feet of altitude and over 60 kms. They met good weather and the expedition leaders reported good discipline, camaraderie, and positive attitude during the expedition.
Congratulation to the boys!


SHS- a school of adventure – 2023

SHS- a school of adventure has sports as an important part of the school curriculum. However in the high humidity, personal hygiene has to be incorporated into the personal habits of students. We thank Dr. Suman Gupta a renowned skin specialist for spending time with students to explain the ways of keeping our skin healthy in school.


SHS Chess Club Participation – 2023

The SHS Chess Club Participated in the 37th District Chess Championship organised by the Target Kidzee Chess Club on 16th April.
The following were the achievements recorded by the Chess Club in the Tournament.
1. 1st winner Helen Das-Group -Under 15
2. 1st runner up -Group Under15
Congratulations to the winners!


Day out for the students of Grade IV & V

It was a day out for the students of Grade IV & V on 16th April, 2023. The students escorted by their class teachers and coordinator spent a day in the forests of Bengdubi as they celebrated a class picnic.


International Award for Girls -2023

The International Award For Young People’s Expedition for Grade X & XII Girls -2023 to Sandakpu was successful concluded on Tuesday, 4th April. The expedition leaders, Mr Biru Sherpa, Ms Ranjana Sharma and Ms. Alma Lakra reported a spirited and successful climb.


International Award for Boys – 2023

This year the International Award For Young People’s Expedition for Grade X Boys’ -2023 to Sandakpu was headed by Mr. R.K Das and escorted by Mr Anil Gupta(Director Sir), Mr. Ratan Barman and Mr Tara Dungel. It was successfully concluded on Monday, 3rd April. The boys met good weather and the expedition leaders reported good discipline, camaraderie, and positive attitude during the expedition.
Congratulation to the boys!


Investiture Ceremony – 2023


Himalayan – Sangalila Range

The students of Grade X and XII have started their expedition to Phalut(XII) and Sandakpu(X) today.

Their travel will take them over 65 kms of varied mountainous terrain and over 12000ft altitude in the Himalayan – Sangalila Range.


Academic Achievers

Sacred Heart School congratulates the Academic Achievers whose performance is recorded in the Roll of Honour for their outstanding performance in the Final Examination.


Primary School Picnic

As a residential school, SHS restricts all outing for the first two weeks to allow students to settle down. Our first outing for the year started with the Primary School Picnic on 2nd April, 2023.


Annual Awards Day, 2023

The Annual Awards Day, 2023 to acknowledge the achievements of the student community in the previous academic year was held on April, 1st 2023 in the Girls Hall.

The Chief Guest for the event was Dr. Snehashish Sarkar and the Guest of Honour was Dr.Indrajit Roy Chowdhury. Both guests are accomplished academicians with a luminous career in their chosen subjects.


Award Programme

The Primary Wing of Sacred Heart School, Siliguri celebrated the successes of the young Heartians in the last academic year with an Award Programme and the new batch of prefects were also installed with an Investiture Ceremony on Friday 31st March, 2023.


Staff Development Workshop

A staff development workshop was conducted in Sacred Heart School, SIliguri by Mr Arup Mukhopadhyay between 9th and 11th March, 2023.

An alumnus of the University of Calcutta, Mr Mukhopadhyay has been associated with some of the best progressive multicultural Public schools in India , Maldives and Tanzania. He had a challenging five years tenure with an UNDP funded School education project in Maldives. He has returned to India in 2017 and was appointed as CEO of Rungta Group of schools in Raipur, CG. He was there until 2022 in this role.

Currently he is the Strategic Director of UNACCO Group of School, Imphal , Consultant of Royal Global School , Guwahati, Aga Khan Education Services , East Africa, Board of Directors, Education Dept, Nigeria and principal Advisor of Bandhan Group , Kolkata.


Graduation Day 2022-23

The Graduation Ceremony for the ISC Batch 2023 was held on 4th February, 2023. Capt. Prakash Pradhan, Director -Rockvale Academy, Mr. I. S Pradhan, Director, Green Lawns and Dr. Arup Sengupta were the honored guests for the day. Congratulations to our Dear Heartians!


Fun Run


Junior School Picnic


One Act Play – The Mousetrap


One Act Play – The Rising of the Moon

Sacred Heart School, Siliguri ventured into the world of theatre with the presentation of a play- The Rising of the Moon by Lady Gregory, on 21st January 2022.
It is a political play that examines Anglo – Irish relations during the Irish freedom struggle.
The play was directed by Mr. Prakash Yonzon and Mr. Arpan Rai and presented by the Boys’ Department.


Saraswati Puja and Republic Day

Saraswati Puja and Republic Day were celebrated in Sacred Heart School, Siliguri on 26th January 2023 with a Puja being organized by teachers and students of Grade XI.
Republic day was celebrated with a parade by the Boys Scouts, dance performances, patriotic songs, and motivational speeches.


The Inter House Dance Competition 2023

The Inter House Dance Competition was held on Saturday 14th January in the School Hall. The students presented a range of modern and classical dances that were enjoyed by all.


Jr. Section Board Work 2022


Sr. Boys Board Work 2022


International Science Olympiad Examination 2022

The Science Department in Sacred Heart School conducted the International Science Olympiad Examination on 1st December, 2022. The Mathematics Department also handed out badges of honour on 1st December, 2022 to meritious students who have consistently performed well in the Mind Spark Mathematics programme that is run in the school.


Genorators 2022 Workshop

Students from SHS participated in Gen Orators-a workshop to enhance speaking skills on Sunday 27 th November. They were accompanied by Mr Gautam Mukherjee and Ms Poonam Mishra. Mayuri Churiwal, X C was judged the best speaker in the event.


Basketball 2022

The SHS Basketball team were declared the champions when they won the first position in the District level Basket ball tournament- 2022 organised by the Siliguri Basketball Association in the Inspiria Campus over 19th & 20th November. Sacred Heart School, Siliguri, Darjeeling


SST Model Making 2022

A SST Model Making and Seminar was organised by the Senior School on Saturday 20th November, 2022 at the Sacred Heart School, Siliguri Campus. It was a day filled with creativity and social consciousness.


SST Quiz 2022

An SST Quiz was organised separately by the middle school boys department and the middle school girls department in their respective halls on Saturday, 19th November, 2022. Sacred Heart School, Siliguri, Darjeeling.


Childrens Day 2022

Fun filled moments from our Children’s Day celebration at the Sacred Heart School Siliguri campus.


Career Fair 2022

A Career Fair for career guidance was conducted by the Rotary Club Darjeeling. This was an effort by the teachers of Sacred Heart School to create awareness about the career options. Also with us that day were Dr AbhijitShevale IAS and CEO of SJDA, Mr SarojGazmer (IPS) and former Inspector General of Police, IPS Abhishek Gupta, Maj. Jogeshwar Sharma, Mrs. PayalPeriwal, Mr. Sankalp Lama, Mr AdityaJaiswal, Mrs Pramika Chettri and a host of others. It was an informative and an enriching day for the school community.


Art Exhibition 2022

Art Exhibition in Dinobandhu Manch in Siliguri – Courtesy- Mr Suvrojyoti


Photography, Art and Craft Exhibition 2022

The Activity Club of Sacred Heart School organised an Art, Craft and Photography Exhibition on 30 th September 2022. The sheer effort and creativity of the students, shone brightly , through the work on display. The ardent mentoring of Shuvrojyoti Sir, Swapna Ma’am, Biswadeep Sir , and Norden Sir did not go unnoticed .


Special Closing Assemble 2022

An End of the Term Assembly was held by the Primary school on 29th September in the School Library. The Coordinator with Primary School staff acknowledged the effort and the achievements of the students and presented a cultural programme to commemorate the festive season of the Durga puja Duhsshera and Diwali.


Swimming Gala Boys

The Victory Stand of Sacred Heart School could feel the wet feet of the winners once again on 14th September 2022. It was on this day that the much awaited, Inter-house Swimming Gala of Sacred Heart School, took place. The event was graced by Mr. I.S. Pradhan as the Chief Guest. Mr. Amit Mondal was the Guest of Honour. It was hosted by the dynamic duo of grade 12, Somnath and Swarnim. About 150 students participated in this swimming competition. The propulsion, the overcoming of resistance, the never giving up spirit, the untiring wades, the energised paddling, the funny belly flops and the rally cheering heightened the glory of the gala. The competition was based on various categories such as breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, butterfly, mixed relay and medley race. Gandhi House emerged victorious with Nehru House at a close second. Tagore House stood third and Netaji House was fourth. The event of the day marked its finishing with the medals distribution and the vote of thanks proposed by the Head Boy, Shubrojyoti, followed by the school anthem.


A Career Week

A Career Week was organized from 10th – 17th September in Sacred Heart School for students from Grade IX to XII. Students met every day between 9-10 AM with their teachers. The educators informed students about the different career options and related information in those areas. The information is also displayed in different classrooms for all students and will be available this entire month.


Swimming Gala Girls

“Splish Splash”
“The water is your friend,” said a wise man,”you don’t have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move.” Treating water as our friend makes us learn to conserve water. We also learn the grace of keeping ourselves afloat and play water sports or learn swimming. The girls of Sacred Heart took a plunge into the pool as the school held the Swimming Gala on 14th September 22. At the stroke of eleven the budding swimmers of the Girls’ Wing were prepared to display their different strokes. They just waited for their Director Sir to declare the event open. Excitement knew no bounds once the event commenced. Be it free style or medley, back stroke or butterfly stroke, our water friendly girls reminded us the fact that human beings are born swimmers. It was an Inter House event and hence we had to declare the names of the winners. Thus Sarojini Naidu House bagged the winning trophy while Mother Teresa House and Madam Cama House contested hard to win the First and the Second Runner Up trophy respectively. However, the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by our swimmers was what won every heart. You could not deny the fact that Sister Nivedita House put their best strokes forward leaving no stone unturned to have their house flag fly high. Some swimmers who are indeed promising are Palak Das, Kusum Kerketta and Riya Kumari of Grade 12, Tasnim Esha and Nabila Ahmed of Grade 9C, and little Radhe Kumari of Grade 5. The weather favoured us with a cloudy canopy that loomed over our heads ensuring that the sultry sun got no chance to scorch our swimmers. It was a pleasant event with Jessica Lwagun of Grade 12 as the MOC. Kasak Fitkariwala of Grade 12 proposed the vote of thanks to bring the event to an end. More than a competition, the Gala was a moment of joy where each splash of water reminded us how much we missed our lovely students in the two years when this event could not be held.

Report by
Ms. Malini Banerjee


District Level Science Seminar

Sacred Heart School in the District Level Science Seminar
It was on 2nd September 22 that the Darjeeling district Science Seminar was held in the North Bengal Science Centre. The Heartians participated in it under the able guidance of our Science teachers, Mrs. Sarika Basu , Mr. Abhishek Gupta and Miss Poonam Mishra. Other eminent schools of Siliguri also took part. Surprisingly, however, only 17 out of the 25 schools registered actually turned up for the event. Each school had to select one representative and I had felt immensely fortunate when the teachers nominated me as the candidate who would be the face of the school at the seminar. My seniors, Kishan Gaur and Soham Sao both of Grade 12 , had mentored me during the preparation. An aptitude test was conducted in the beginning of the event. A presentation followed and finally there was an interview. We called it a day at 5:30 in the evening after a long and fruitful seminar . The topic of discussion was – “Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development” -A theme of great relevance to the present world scenario. We shall always remember the judges who created an indelible impression on our minds with their vast knowledge. The Seminar taught me the application of Sciences to our daily lives. A memorable day had been spent and I returned much wiser when I understood that the study of science can transport us to a realm beyond the text book.

Report by
Ayush Ranjan



We could have never loved the earth so well if we had no childhood exploring it. Here are photos of the 6th and the last group of Students that completed the bronze expedition earlier successfully.


Primary Inter House Singing Competition



Sacred Heart School, in collaboration with Numaligarh Refinery Limited, organised an event comprising Art, Essay Writing and Rangoli Competition ON 12/09/2022, contributing to Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence. The Heartian family is grateful to NRL for providing such a wonderful opportunity to the students. Such events ignite a sense of patriotism among all.


Teachers’ Day 2022

Sacred Heart School celebrated Teachers’ Day on 5th September with a programme organised by the Grade XII students. The theme of the day was “Welcome to the Mutliverse” and the school hall was decorated appropriately with much love and affection by the students for the programme. The programme was followed by a scrumptious lunch and a staff versus students football match.



17 boys with two teachers from #SacredHeartSchoolSiliguri are currently on an “International Award for Young People’s expedition program” in the foothills of the Himalayas. The adventure trip entails camping, trekking, survival skills, and navigation.



The second group of 18 Grade X boys completed their Bronze Expedition successfully. Take a look at some of the pictures from the trip.



The third group of 19 Grade 12 boys met with a heavy downpour which did not dampen their spirit. They too completed their Bronze Expedition successfully with great memories.



Successful completion of the 4th group of boys’ Bronze Expedition. The children thoroughly enjoyed each and every moment of the trip.


IAYP Girls

WHY SHOULD BOYS HAVE ALL THE FUN? Our Grade X Girls too completed the bronze expedition successfully. It is always great to see our dear girls let loose and partake in adventures that you wouldn’t normally do during your normal day-to-day life.


Nepal Trip

37 of our students from grades 9 & 11, accompanied by two teachers, have completed an excursion to Kathmandu and Pokhra. The excursion lasted for a week, during which the students thoroughly explored new places, Kathmandu’s culture, cuisine, tradition, and ways of living.


Workshop – I Leadership Skills for the students of Classes – XI-XII on 07.07.2022

The career counseling session organised by Wings of Freedom was held on 21st August, 2022 [Sunday] from 10:30am to 12:30pm in the school library. Mrs. Sonali Banerjee and Mr. Abhijet Banerjee counselled and guided the students about their career plans. They explained how the future is not limited to merely the subject streams but dependent greatly on the individual’s aptitudes. Aptitudes refer to the student’s abilities and capabilities, which may be logical, spatial, organizational, physical or mechanical. Each aptitude holds various career opportunities. They also conducted a psychometric test; a test meant to make the students aware of their aptitudes. The students were also appraised of the various unconventional courses available in other countries. Discussions were held on various entrance exams conducted for different fields. Overall, it was an enlightening session which helped the students see beyond their horizons. It made them aware that being confined to a particular stream is not always the key to success.


International Award for Young People’s expedition program

17 boys with two teachers from Sacred Heart School Siliguri are currently on an “International Award for Young People’s expedition program” in the foothills of the Himalayas. The adventure trip entails camping, trekking, survival skills, and navigation.


The Bosco Fest 2022

The moment Don Bosco School Siliguri announces the dates of its grand annual Bosco fest, a feeling of solidarity is aroused among us, the Heartians, as well. This time was no exception. Excitement ran deep in the campus of Sacred Heart School as the students of Don Bosco readied themselves to mark the 207th year of their foundation. We were a group of 60 zesty students, ready to let our colours burst. It was on 21st August 22 that the the fest, aptly themed- “Cornucopia de Talentos”, was inaugurated in the presence of many enthusiasts and participants. The best part of being at the Bosco Fest was being exposed to a world that recognized a plethora of talents. Even just spectating other schools performing, was no small learning experience. The Heartians took part in many events. The Bosco Beat, Sangeet, Ad spoof, Face off, Lok Nritya, Rabindra Geeti, Tango and Stand up Comedy – to name a few. Mention should be made of the positions we secured in the events like Bosco Resonance, Chitrakala and Bosco Click. We made it to the top three! It was a Sunday well spent. Our diligent hours of practice had finally paid off because we rendered a power packed performance at every event. We returned to our school with a fervent vow to win many more trophies next year. Report by Pragya Saha and Arya Anand of 10C


Independence Day 2022

After two long years, the much awaited celebration took place at Sacred Heart School. All our students and teachers came forward to make this day a remarkable success. The day started with unfurling of the National Flag at 08:30 am in the presence of our Chief Guest, Colonel Nirmal Gurung and Guest of Honour, Mr. D. Moktan. This moment of pride was accompanied by our National Anthem. This honorable moment was followed by a phenomenal march past presented by our Scouts led by scout Dev Singh Roy and the Heartians of class 12 led by our Head Boy, Subhrojyoti Mondal and Head Girl, Mehak Khatun. After this wonderful execution, our Principal Sir, Mr Prafulla Mani Pradhan addressed the gathering with an inspiring speech. This was ensued by an English speech delivered by one of our students, Shayan Ann Shepherd. The blooming talents of primary wing presented a series of mesmerising performances that included a group dance on patriotic songs, a skit on Swachh Bharat and a patriotic song. The aim of the skit was to make people aware of our duties towards the nation and the significance of cleanliness as a part of this national campaign. Our senior school girls performed a fusion dance that represented a variety of our Indian cultures like – Rajasthani, Nepali and Assamese folks followed by the speeches in Bengali and Nepali which were delivered by Satyaki Mal and Mahesh Aacharya respectively. Then there was a special patriotic song that was performed by our senior school girls. We had the opportunity to get inspired by the incredible speeches delivered by our Hon’ble Chief Guest, Col Nirmal Gurung and Guest of Honour, Mr. D. Moktan. Priyakee Ma’am addressed the gathering with her words of wisdom bringing the day closer to a beautiful end.



Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated all over the world as the birth of Lord Krishna, one of the most powerful reincarnations of Lord Vishnu. This auspicious day was observed by Primary wing with great enthusiasm and festivity. Lord Krishna’s blessings were showered in the form of series of performances by the little heartians. The program started at 10 am with a prayer song by the blooming singers of Class KG in the presence of our Director sir, Priyakee ma’am and Principal sir. The budding children gave a mesmerising performance which left us all speechless. There was a special song by the teachers which was followed by vote of thanks delivered by Shampa ma’am. The program concluded with Priyakee Ma’am’s address to the gathering with her words of wisdom bringing the day to a beautiful end.


Raksha Bandhan 2022

Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi is celebrated to witness the love between brothers and sisters, which is one of the best feelings of all human emotions. It was celebrated on 11th August this year. In our school too, we did not miss the opportunity to commemorate it. The Primary Section had a special programme. In our small yet significant event, we brought amongst us the Raksha Bandhan feeling. Our co-ordinator tied a Rakhi for all of the teachers to strengthen their bonds just like that of siblings. Later that day, the students of classes I to V had a Rakhi Making Competition in which everyone was a winner. We all enjoyed the experience. In the school lounge, the girls did the rituals by tying rakhis for their brothers and cousins. It gave them a very homely feeling. The day was memorable and enjoyable. All the moments were well cherished.


Eye Camp 2022

A Free Comprehensive School Eye Screening Camp under Project “REACH” (“Refractive Error Among Children) was organised at Sacred Heart School Siliguri by Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital on 20th August, 2022. Through this intervention they plan to reach out to school going children and include them through teachers and sensitize the parents in accessing eye care services in time. A team of eight doctors had volunteered for the special camp. The entire school’s students, faculty members and visitors got their eyes checked and those in requirement of special attention were suggested extensive follow up at different establishments of Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital.


Bhanu Jayanti 2022

Come Bhanu Jayanti and we are reminded of our traditions. This year was no exception. It was a matter of great pride to note that a tech savvy generation was eager to cherish their rich literary heritage. Proudly did we pay our homage to the eminent poet, Bhanu Bhakta Acharya as girls recited extracts from the Nepali Ramayana. Dressed in their traditional attire, the students looked resplendent as they performed on the stage. It was a matter of privilege to have among us the versatile poet of contemporary Nepali literature Mr. Raja Punyani as the Chief Guest. Known for his magnetic personality, the Chief Guest interacted with the school after the day’s programme. It was this interaction that made the day a memorable one.


Boys Excursion to Lataguri 2022

Classes 6 & 7 Boys Excursion to Lataguri. The Month of August is a welcome month for the Sacred Heart Family since it has EXCURSION THRILLS. The Students visited Lataguri and the adjoining areas including Bindu and Samsing. Places like Suntaley Khola ( a small gushing rivulet), Murti and Rocky Islands were a part of the treat. The excursion was scheduled from 21.08.22 to 24.08.22. The students had a great learning experience and immense fun. They were able to be a part of some of the lessons that had been taught in their Geography classes. They saw a rubber plant, a medicinal herbs plantation, a coffee plantation and terrace farming. In Jaldhaka they were able to understand the work of multipurpose dams. The tour ended in another educational cum recreational venture and that was a visit to the Gajaldoba Barrage – also known as Teesta Barrage.


Girls’ Excursion to Sikkim & Darjeeling 2022

Class 6, 7 & 8 Girls’ Excursion to Sikkim & Darjeeling No sooner had the Covid years passed than our middle school girls stepped out for an excursion to the hills. Gangtok awaited them on 14th August. The rains couldn’t keep their enthusiasm under wraps when they visited the M.G Marg . Having spent the Independence Day near the Tsomgo Lake, the girls left for Darjeeling the next day. The greenery of Batasia Loop left them awestruck and the Padmaja Naidu Zoo and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute were interesting places to visit. Our girls visited the busiest place of Darjeeling, Chowrasta and a place of great serenity, Peace Pagoda. On 18th August, the merry girls returned to Siliguri via Mirik and Nepal Border. Our teachers, Ms. Alma Lakra, Ms. Indrani Goswami and Ms. Poonam Mishra were gracious enough to guide the girls through their sojourn to the hills.


Matki Phod 2022

Report on “Matki Phod”. Any Janmastami celebration is incomplete without this event . It was conducted with great enthusiasm as an inter house competition. A student was blindfolded and two others of his team directed him towards the “Matki “ to break it. The excitement was boundless.



Class 8 boys set out on a trip to West Sikkim on 21st August. After exploring Pelling’s elevated Sky Walk, they were blessed by the Chenrezig and Khelcheopalri Lakes. They then routed themselves to Tsomgo Lake and the legendry New Baba Mandir in the east. Char Dham and Samdruptse in the South, were their next destinations. The boys really enjoyed their expedition and returned to school happy and refreshed.


Scientific Thinking at Science City 2022

As an initiative to encourage scientific thinking, the science department has been taking out a group of interested and meritorious science students for a weekend outing to the Science City.


Biology Seminar

Biology Seminar
Report by
MehakKhatoon 12 Science
Cancer is thought to be the ultimate threat to life even in this medically advanced world. The Science students gathered once again in the library with a biology seminar that would break certain myths about cancer. It was on 30th July 22, from 1: 20pm to 3: 00 pm that we had a seminar under the guidance of our Biology teachers SarikaBasu Ma’am and DibyenduSaha Sir. The MOC KusumKerkatta welcomed the guests Mr. AmlanJyoti Ghosh, the Senior Research fellow CSIR and Ms. Farha Yasmin Senior Research Fellow UGC. Once the felicitation was done, we presented our seminar. Sandhya and her group presented an introduction to cancer. Kasak and her group presented a slide show on types of cancer. Palak Singh and her group diverted their attention to diagnosis of cancer. Kishan and his group spoke on the treatment of cancer. Our Guests of Honour next shared their experiences. AmlanJyoti Sir told us that cancer is not just hereditary but can also be caused because of environmental issues. Farha Yasmin Ma’am acquainted us with certain measures which could prevent cancer. The seminar came to an end after Principal Sir’s address. We emerged from the library that day as a smarter class of students.


Chemistry Seminar

Chemistry Seminar
Report by
Mehak Khatoon 12 Science
The budding scientists of Grade 12 organized a seminar on Chemistry on 23rd July from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. It was at the School Library that we gathered with our friend Subham Barman as the master of ceremony. Our Principal Sir felicitated our guests for the event – Mr. Munna Mukhiya, Dr. Prashant Chowdhuri and Mr. Pranish Rai.
The topic of the seminar was “Colligative Properties”. We pursued our research work under the following headings:
1. Roult’s law – taken up by Sambhav Prasad, Sandhya Dhamala, Jessica Lwagun, Palak Das and Subhrojyoti Mondol.
2. Graphical representation done by Soham Sao, Pranay Das Biswas, Kusum Kerkatta, Kasak Fitkeriwala, Kiran Thakur and Yakil Islam.
3. Osmotic Pressure – studied by Palak Singh, Prerna Nath, Vaishnavi Singh and Mehak Khatoon.
4. Applications- prepared by Kishan Kumar Gaur, Pranish Rai, Abhishek Carlos, Priyanshu Raj, Utkarsh Raj, Yakil Islam and Souradeep Deb.
The seminar was followed by an enlightening interaction with the guests. It was here that Mr. Chowdhuri spoke to us about the application of Colligative property and Chemist in our daily lives. After this, an experiment was practically performed by Mr. Mukhiya and Mr. Rai. The latter informed us about how the brand Nylon got its name. Principal Sir addressed the gathering next. Our Chemistry teacher, Prabir Kumar Banerjee Sir proposed a vote of thanks.
We students would extend our heartfelt thanks to our dear Chemistry teacher without whose guidance and support the seminar would not have been possible.


Science Centre

A Visit to North Bengal Science Centre.
-Arya Anand
Science is the study of everything around us. Understanding and applying the laws that govern everything, is science. There are certain institutions which are set up to make science an enjoyable subject. Our school gave us an opportunity to visit such a place, which would enhance our scientific reasoning in a delightful way. We visited the ‘North Bengal Science Centre’ on 30th July 2022. We were a group of enthusiastic girls and boys with our teachers and were eagerly waiting to learn something new that day. We reached at around 2:00 PM and after a walk in the campus, we finally started with what everyone was keenly waiting for- it was a program where we tried out various experiments with our Project Coordinator. The main objective of doing this was to convince everyone that “Science is Fun.”
Our Project Coordinator sir welcomed us in quite an extraordinary way. He added science to this as well. He did it with what we call ‘Phenolphthalein.’ Now, that was something which engaged us more into the experiments that he performed. Well, we did it together. No doubt, we learnt all the concepts in class, but doing it there practically, was great. Sir had various innovative pedagogical ideas to explain various theories. Little did we know,just saying a single word ‘Vanish’ could make a solution colourless. Woah! That was something that caught everyone’s attention. Naturally, it had science behind it- it was the acidity and alkalinity test. As everybody would think, connecting wires with the negative and positive terminals would, ofcourse, pass current through the wire. We were told to hold the positive and negative terminals of the wire and shake hands. We thought it would pass electricity through us as well, because, after all, we, humans, are good conductors of heat and electricity, and so we first refused to shake hands, but listening to the advice of the scholarly person who guided us, we did it. Surprise, surprise! – We did not get an electric shock! We enjoyed learning together.
Next, after all this, something more innovative and interesting was waiting for us there. It was the Innovation Hub, where we saw various models made by different students. Our project coordinator told us that we too would make such models some day and yes, that day was not quite far. We, then, had a session on Electronics where we learned the basics. That was fun, too. Our session finally got over at 4:10 PM and we returned to our school as erudite people.
It was indeed a great learning experience and this visit instilled within us various scientific ideas and what was said by our project coordinator sir was – “we would become great scientists and scholars in the future.” This fueled up our brains and “Innovation for Mankind” became our motto.
Thank you.


Debate Competition 2022

The Discourse is an Annual Debate Competition which sees students put on their Socratic garb, their Aristotelian smug, the Rousseau intellect and the Platonic character.
This July, from 16th to 29th, our school began to reverberate with penchant for argument and hunger to prove a point. SStudents could be seen practicing lines, memorizing quotes to defang the opponent, and searching for punch lines that would floor the houseEvery participant, regardless of age and gender, size or matter transformed into an orator, a voice of reason.
They were eager to stand up, they seemed eager to carry the weight of their houses on their shoulders. This year too witnessed enthusiastic participants, worthy opponents, cutting wit and biting satire.
On a warm 28th July afternoon, the final witnessed by Mr Zabir and Mr Prabir, alongside the Director Anil Sir and Principal Mr Prafulla Mani Pradhan saw Miss Renisa Basu and Miss Mayuri Churiwal emerge as best speakers speaking for the motion, ‘PEER PRESSURE IS GOOD FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT’.
The event also witnessed splendid performances from Pragya Saha, Kishan Gaur, Swarnim Srijan, Shasorta Podder, Faiyaz Khan among a host of others who had lit the prelims and semifinals.
The afternoon of 29th July too was not wasted, the middle school gathered to witness the final four participants fight it out for the coveted winners tag. The motion that included hot topics like Tucks should be allowed in Hostel, to more academic topics like Children should spend more time outdoors, finally culminated with the motion, EXAMINATION IS A TRUE WAY TO JUDGE A STUDENT’S ABILITY.
The finals of the middle school discourse saw Neelakshi Hait, Sanskriti Singh, Ayushman Sharma and their ilk amaze the jury with their enthusiasm, wit and conviction. The major takeaway from the event has been the sensibility shown by the students to defend their stand, analyse the opinion of others and gracefully accede to a sound argument


Inter-school Basketball Tournament

After a couple of desolating cum gruelling years of pandemic, Scared Heart School fervently organised Inter-school Basketball Tournament in its premises on 29th and 30th of July, 2022. It witnessed the participation of agile athletes from neighbouring schools, namely Himalaya International Residential School, Don Bosco, Delhi Public School, St Michael’s, Birla Divya Jyoti, Mahbert High School and the host itself. The event was graced by Mrs. Arundhati Brahmacharya, the only lady in India who have received Blue Badge as officiating member in Table Tennis, with her encouraging presence as the Chief Guest. The officiating panel of the tournament included Mr. Ravi Baga, Mr. Samiran Roy and Mr. Ravi Poddar.
The passionate cries and shouts that cheered the hoopsters for their alley opps and pivots echoed the walls. The jump shots of the finishers and the crossovers of the playmakers were aesthetic. However, only the fittest had to survive. After the final whistle of the last league between HIRS and DPS, there were four teams to play the semi finals, they were SHS, DPS, Don Bosco and Mahbert High School.
The final was played between the host school and Delhi Public School. It was a nail-biting finish in which we witnessed DPS emerging triumphant. Shuvrojyoti Mondol, captain of SHS team, bagged the trophy of Man of the Tournament.


Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Reverend Father John Tigga of Prabhu Jisa Parish led a special mass in the new auditorium on the boys wing to commemorate the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The prayer mass began at 2p.m. and ended at 3.p.m. In his sermon for the staff and students of the school, the Reverend emphasised upon the history of Sacred Heart of Jesus and the legend associated with the Feast Day. He spoke at length on the need to introspect our lives and the mercy of the loving heart of Sacred Heart of Jesus. The prayer session witnessed beautiful hymns and passages from the Bible being read to elucidate God’s love and kindness towards each and everyone of us. While the prayer meeting was attended by Director Sir, Mr Anil Gupta, Principal Sír, Mr Prafulla Mani Pradhan, Coordinators, and faculty members, the student fraternity was represented by the student representatives of all classes and by students belonging to the Catholic Community. The messages from the scripture were read by Kusum Kerketta and Mr Prakash Yonzon. Equally important was the humble work done Mr Hylton Upshon, Mr Raymond Shepherd, Mr Bobin Rai, Mr Richard Gomes, Mr Lepcha and Mr Biswas Roka, who ensured that the entire prayer session was indeed blessed and spiritually fulfilling.


The Annual Interhouse Power Point Competition

The Annual Interhouse Power Point Competition was organised by Nehru House and Madam Cama House respectively. The date of the event was 30th April 2022 and the Venue was the Girls Main Hall. The judges for the competition were, Mr Rakesh Das, Mr Niloy Hait, and Mr Pankaj Biswakarma. Principal Sir, Director Sir and Director Ma’am were in the audience to encourage the participants to do their best. The Competition was hosted by Mehak Khatun (Madam Cama House) and Md Sadman Sadaf (Nehru House). The topics for the respective houses were picked by a draw of lots and the houses had been given a week’s time to prepare their slides. The programme began with Mother Teresa house who spoke on the Role of Youth in Building of the Nation. The House was represented by Nilakshi Hait and Sonakshi Saha. The presentation was made by Aarya Shree and Karishma Singh who were followed by Sister Nivedita House. The representatives were Shristi Mukhia and Aarya Kamal. The presentation was prepared by Palak Singh and Renisa Basu. Their presentation spoke about Information and Technology and its journey across the ages. The house to speak next were the members of the Naidu House. The Naidu House was represented by Samridi Srijan and Samridi Sarkar. The presentation was prepared by Anshika and Mayuri Churiwal. Their presentation was on Power of Media and its relevance in the Modern Society. To wrap up the presentation Madam Cama House Members spoke on The Bermuda Triangle The presenters were Sanskriti Singh and Udisha Karn. The presentation was prepared by Aarya Anand and Simran Jaiswal. After successfully completing the girls presentation, the competition moved onto the boys leg. The boys presentation started off with the members of Tagore House speaking about The Top Business Personalities of India The speakers were Swayam Krishna and Avinash Shah. The presentation was prepared by Sagil Babu and Somenath Paul. The House to speak next was Netaji House. The topic they had chosen was Earth and Space. The representatives were Mayank Agarwal and Krish Raj. The presentation was prepared by Irfan Ahmed and Ayush Bhakat. Gandhi House followed its peers to put up their presentation on Possibility of Life on Mars The presentation’s representatives were Adhyant Gupta and Ayushman Sharma. The presentation was prepared by Pranish Rai and Utkarsh Raj. To round up the presentation was the Nehru House. Their topic was The New World of Cryptocurrency. The presentation’s representatives were Arpan Pathak and Vedant Jaiswal. It was prepared by Kishan Gaur and Soham Sao. In his observatory speech Principal Sir congratuated the organisers, the participants and the entire school community for coming together to make the event really significant despite the challenge thrown by weather and the technical glitches. Priyakee Ma’am in her speech singled out the presenters from the Middle School for a special commendation and congratulated the organisers on the effortless flow of the event.
The rankings of the Girls Ppt competition as declared by judges were as follows-
1. Madam Cama
2. Naidu House
3. Mother Teresa
4. Sister Nivedita
The rankings of the Boys Ppt competition as declared by judges were as follows-
1. Nehru House
2. Gandhi House
3. Tagore House
4. Netaji House


Rabindra Jayanti

Come Rabindra Jayanti and the skies resound with poetry. Sacred Heart School remembers the Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, and pays a humble tribute to him each year. This year was no different. We gathered in the Girls’ Hall on 9th May at 9 o clock when the event was inaugurated formally as the portrait of the poet was garlanded. A cultural programme ” Robichhando” was organized under the aegis of the Bengali department. Singing, dancing, recitation and drama marked the event and the Heartians readily gave their best. The juniors danced with spontaneous grace and the seniors took to the stage with utmost perfection. The solo performances of Arya Anand and Renisa Basu of Grade 10 were indeed commendable. Equally praiseworthy were the speakers Abdullah Ahad Joy, Syeda Jerin Jamal and Pragya Saha of Grade 10. An extract from a famous play of Tagore, ” Daakghar” was enacted by the boys – a performance which truly stole the show. This year’s speciality was a fusion between Rabindrasangeet and the plays of Shakespeare. A colorful event, it brought out the talents of the students. The Chief Guest, Mr. Plaban Sinha, an assistant Professor of Bangla in the North Bengal University spoke highly of the programme. The Guest of Honour Dr. Kalipada Barman, an eminent scholar of Bangla literature was present at the occasion. It was no doubt a proud moment for the school to watch the students perform on the stage with confidence.


Empower Oral Health Care

This week had been an exciting one for the students. Dr. Asmita Sen was invited to interact with the students to empower the students about Oral Health Care. The event was part of extended learning on the lesson Teeth and Digestion. Since experiential learning leaves a long time imprint in our mind such talks by experts in their field proofed to be fruitful. Students asked questions based on their personal experience as well as to increase their knowledge.



Labour Day was celebrated by the students of the Primary Wing to show their love and gratitude towards the helpers who constantly handle them with care in the Dorms. Children lovingly call the DIDI and DAJU. The helpers were felicited with a Khada and a Bagde . A short speech was delivered to focus on the importance of this day.


The Friday Special Assembly

The Friday Special Assembly was conducted by Class II this week under the guidance of their Class teacher Ms. Renita Sampson. They presented a group Recitation in English, a story narration in Hindi, explained their awareness about the parts of the body, showed place value and face value through a game. The assembly ended with the Bengali presentation on how news words are formed by joining letters. It was really a well presented Assembly.The young ones showed confidence on stage and perfect coordination too.


Class Activities Primary Section


Friday Special Morning Assembly

Every Friday Primary Wing of SHS has special assembly where a particular class presents subject wise what they have learnt.
Today Class III presented before the school the learning outcome of this month.
They focused on topics like- Parts of the Body, Bhasa in Hindi, a poetry analysis in Bengali, use of Abacus to understand place value , about family system in social studies and kinds of Sentence.
Such assemblies are a learning platform for the audience from different classes. It boosts their confidence, enhances public speaking skill and explore information beyond the books.



भाषा विभाग द्िारा आयोजित रचनात्मक लेखन प्रततयोगगता-अप्रैल-2022-23
“भाषा ही मनुष्य की पहचान है, इसी से हमारी सभ्यता, संस्कृतत, आदि यह न केवल जन-जन तक पहुुँचती है | बल्कक अपने ववचार और लेखन कला द्वारा जन-जन को जोड़ती भी है, भाषा के द्वारा सुदृढ़ शब्िावली प्रभाववत भी करती है | “भाषा ववभाग” द्वारा वततमान सत्र 2022-23 में 14 अप्रैल से 16 अप्रैल तक भाषा ववभाग ने “ रचनात्मक लेखन प्रततयोगगता” -2022 आयोल्जत की गई थी | ल्जनमें रचनात्मक लेखन (दहंिी बंगला और नेपाली) भाषा में आयोल्जत ककए गए थे |
उक्त कायतक्रम में वगत 6 वीं श्रेणी से कक्षा 12 वीं श्रेणी तक के छात्र-छात्राओं ने बड़ी उत्साह पूवतक भाग लेकर अपनी प्रततभा का प्रिशतन ककया | उनकी प्रततभा को िेखकर ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ – मानो 2 वषत करोना काल में पारम्पररक शशक्षा से वंगचत रह कर भी उन्होंने उत्कृष्ट लेखन कला एवं वाचन कला का जो पररचय दिया है |
छात्र छात्राओं के प्रिशतन िेखकर हम सभी सोचने को वववश हो उठे की बच्चे इतने कम समय में पढ़ाई खेलकूि एवं अन्य गततववगियों को तनयमबद्ि तरीके से पूरा करते हुए भी उत्कृष्ट प्रिशतन कर सकते हैं |
—िमेन्र पोद्िार
(भाषा ववभाग प्रमुख)
सेक्रेड हार्ट स्कूल, ससलीगुड़ी


Craft Work




Middle School Inter House Football Tournament

Middle School Inter House Football Tournament.
Final Match was played between Blue House and Gold House in the presence of Director Sir and Principal Sir.
Final match was decided in the penalty shoot-out.
Blue House is winner sir


Blessings and prayer ceremonies for ICSE students


Blessings and prayer ceremonies for ISC students


Interhouse singing Report

Music brings solace to the soul, happiness to the mind and harmony to environment.
“Incipimus iterum”, the Inter House Singing Competition was a platform given to the budding singers of the school.
With great enthusiasm practice commenced and all our leisure hours were booked.
Finally the D Day arrived and the venue was set up at the Girls’ Hall on 23 rd April 22 at 1: 20 PM.
Tagore House and Mother Teresa House jointly hosted the event that was almost a brainchild of our music teacher Mr. Pankaj Biswakarma Sir.

The musical journey flagged off with an inauguration where the judges were felicitated with khadas and bouquets. Each house presented a solo number and a group song each and the musical sojourn went on smoothly. The participants were equally good and competition was tough. The Masters and Mistresses of ceremony showed not just an immense potential for public speaking but also excellent presence of mind. A guitar presentation by our Principal Sir came as a surprise as well as a mark of encouragement. The judges too were gracious enough to present us with a melodious number. The presence of Director Sir, Priyakee Ma’am and Principal Sir was indeed very encouraging. We look forward to more such events that aim at a holistic development of children.


Basket Ball Competition

Orchid Basketball Academy hosted a 3:3 open tournament on Saturday, 9th of April,2022.
The categories for the tournament were -Under-12(boys and girls), Under-16 (boys and girls) and Under-18(boys and girls). A total of 6 teams were in the Under-18 category, while the Under-16 had 6 teams.
The boys who represented our school were as follows-
Under-18 :
Subhrajyoti Mondal.
Somnath Paul.
Saksham Bhagat.
Priyanshu Raj.
Vedant Jaiswal.
Vaibhav Jaiswal.
Our team was accompanied by Mr Diwakar Ghosh, our coach.
Our first match was against Birla Divya Jyoti which we won comprehensively and made our way into the semi-finals that was against the formidable Jalpaiguri Club. As expected, it turned out to be a challenging match, but we managed to scrape our way past the opponents and booked our place in the finals. Unfortunately our Under-16 boys despite playing courageously failed to make it to the finals.
Owing to an exhausting schedule the organisers decided that the finals would be played the following day(10th April,2022).
The final was to be played against Kaba Juniors.
Our match started at frantic pace with neither of us willing to give an inch to the other. The points were scored in quick succession, some were missed, angry glances were exchanged, the referee’s whistle blew more often than not, but our pace didn’t slacken. We were like two gladiators in the Roman Coliseum fighting for our trophy, though the analogy might be inappropriate. Often, when we looked over at our coach on the sidelines, he looked bemused not only at our ability and agility but also at our inability to follow instructions, esp. when things went south.
But as fate would have it, despite our valiance, we lost ground, and the more desperate we got, the more mistakes we committed, consequently at the end of the match, the score card read in our opponents favour.
Fortunately not all was lost, because we had our captain of the under-18 team Subhrajyoti Mondal being awarded the most promising player of the tournament and we had something to show our friends on our return to school.
Though victory would have tasted sweet yet the satisfaction of having left behind nothing on the court makes us proud of what we have achieved.


Earth Day Report

Earth day was celebrated by the Primary Wing on 22ndApril at 11 am with great enthusiasm. The guests for the event were Mr Anil Gupta ( Director sir ), Mrs. Priyakee Gupta and Mr. Prafulla Mani Pradhan ( Principal sir).They were welcomed with momento ; newspaper bags made by the students of Class V
The program commenced with an English song The Earth is our Home by the Primary School choir. This was followed by a thought on Earth day delivered by Anushka Majumder of Class II. The Earth day pledge which aimed at making everyone promise to take care of our earth was taken by all the students. A presentation done was put up by the students of GradeIV on “Invest in our Planet”. It brought awareness about the environmental impacts related to growing, producing, transporting and storing of food.
The program ended with a beautiful message by our Principal sir and vote of thanks by Ms. Shampa Mukherjee ( Primary school Coordinator).
The event was managed by Ms. Sumrita Mangar and Mrs. Charmane Hurley ( Assembly Incharges ) and co-ordinated by Mrs. Flora Upshon and Ms. Renita Sampson ( Event Coordinators).
Renita Sampson/ Flora Upshon



A team comprising of 19 students from class XII and two teachers viz. Mr. JP Hembrom and Mr. Norden Tamang successfully completed their excursion to Sandakphu on 7th April 2022.
It was a trip of 5 days and 4 nights which was a good test of teamwork, endurance and determination.


TREKKING TO GORKHEY (Girls 10 and 12)

Sacred heart school, 9th April 2022 : With 41 students of Classes X and XII combined and three teachers and four guides, journey towards one of the beautiful places of queen of hills, Gorkhey via Rammam and Sri khola commenced on 9th of April from school campus at 9:am. The first day of journey came to halt at Sir Khola. On the way to Sri Khola mesmerizing beauty of Singalila range overwhelmed everyone. Halt at Sri khola was so fun and joyous to both students as well as teachers. Next day after breakfast 7 kms journey towards Rammam started with excitement. As Sri Khola was the last stoppage beyond which road condition was not suitable for plying buses, we hiked upto Rammam. We took rest for few hours and started hiking for another 7 kms towards Gorkhey passing through Singalila wildlife sanctuary. We reached Gorkhey in the evening. Stay at Gorkhey was the priceless moment and fascinating experience for everyone because we were staying at the most peaceful and clean village of west Bengal. On 11 April we retreated to Rammam and then we broke off our journey for a night halt at Sri Khola. Next morning i.e, on 12th April our retreat to school campus begun. On the way back to school campus, for few hours we had a halt at Mirik for lunch and refreshments which was greatly enjoyed by the students. After 2 hours of halt we started to proceed towards school campus at Siliguri and we reached campus at 9 pm. It was a great learning experiences for everyone associated with the trip.



A group of 26 students ( Boys) accompanied by two teachers successfully completed their 4 day trek ( Dhotrey-Tumbling-Kalapokhari-Sandakphu-Srikhola) to Sandakphu on 6th April 2022.Journeys begin with the thought but our journey began with a burst.Our trek was not just uphill, we also had to trek downhill.This included climbing up from Dhotrey to Tumbling followed by Tumbling to Kalpokhari and finally Shandhakfu.After that began the journey of climbing down.Which according to was the toughest part of the entire series- Shandhakfu to Gurdung and finally Shrikholla.
I consider this trekking not just a mere adventure but an experience that has enriched our life forever.


Craft activities




Responsibility is not only about growing as an individual ideal, it’s also about helping the world grow as a spectrum where unity is strength and individuality is extolled…. every responsible man is a leader and will surely be awarded for his work.
Every session, Sacred Heart School recognises its new leaders holding hands in solidarity and also recognises the achievement of students in various fields. The Investiture ceremony and the Awards day 2022-23, were held on 8th April 2022 at 1 p.m. in the school Basket Ball Court. Nilakshi Hait of grade 8 conducted the Investiture ceremony very efficiently.
We were highly honoured to have Mrs. Rajani Parmer as our chief guest and Ms. Rozy Mehta as our Guest of Honour. The event commenced with a welcome dance by Renisa Basu of grade 10. She mesmerised the crowd with her graceful moves on a poetry jointly written by Mr Arpan Rai and Miss Mayuri Churiwal, voiced by Pragya Saha and Mayuri Churiwal. A sense of leadership aroused in the students when the school choir got the enthusiastic air into rhythm after Principal Sir administered the oath of office.
After the Investiture, we moved on to the awards ceremony which was conducted by Mrs. Spandita Purkait. Getting recognised in front of the entire Sacred Heart family was indeed a proud moment for the students.
The Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour addressed the students and congratulated them on their achievements. It was an enriching experience to hear them speak.


World Health Day


Interhouse Art and Display Competition (Boys)


Interhouse Art and Display Competition (Girls)

‘Paint,BrushStroke and Galore’
Art not only improves nature, it paints our patience into flow and heart to assemble excitement. An house event –“Paint, Brush, Stroke and Galore was held on 2nd april,2022.
While the middle school girls engaged themselves in the decoration of the house board, the senior school girls actively prepared their posters. Sarojini Naidu house which stood first in the board decoration threw light on the topic-‘energyconservation’. Madam Cama house winning the second position enlightened us about-‘soil conservation’, followed by Sister Nivedita house with third position chose to portray –‘ water conservation’ while mother Teresa house with fourth position displayed beautiful decoration on the topic-‘flora and fauna.’ The posters made by the senior school girls, were on the theme –‘worldpeace.’longing for dramatic victory we chose war to kill innocence. At the end, do we grow beautiful flowers when the tears of bereaved family curse you to death? The theme of world peace was wonderfully communicated by the senior school girls with Sarojini Naidu house winning the first position,Mother Teresa securing the second, Sister Nivedita with the third position and Madam Cama with the fourth position.
Arya Anand from Madam Cama house, Renisa Basu from Sister Nivedita house, Pragya Saha from Mother Teresa house and Mayuri Churiwal from Sarojini Naidu house took the initiative to very eloquently explained the ideas behind the posters made by their fellow house mates.
It was a successful event which not only showered the bliss of learning but also the bliss of growing together as a team.

Mayuri Churiwal


International Women’s day 2022

Today is a special day to celebrate all the incredible women in our lives ! Happy International Women’s day 2022 to everyone!


Good Luck for Your Exam


Build A New Habit… Start Today!


Vasant Panchami Celebrations, 2022


Virtual Career Fair


Republic Day Celebration

The Tricoloured flag was hoisted with great patriotic fervour as the Sacred Heart family observed the 73rd Republic Day. Students paid their heartfelt tribute to the nation under the able guidance of Mr. Bobin Rai in the morning of the 26th day of January, as they proudly proclaimed that on this day in 1950, the Constitution of India had come into being. The day commenced with a meaningful prayer uttered by Gautam Mukherjee Sir. The flag was next hoisted by Director Sir, Priyakee Ma’am and Principal Sir. Miss Nilakshi Hait of class 7C conducted the ceremony with great eloquence. Equally impressive were the speakers Master Aswin Roka ( 12 Arts) Master Aryan Francis and Miss Binisha Bishunkey ( 10C) with their speeches in English, Hindi and Nepali. The little minstrels of the school, Miss Shayan Shepherd and Miss Madeline Gomes stole the show with their melodious voices. The Bharat Ki Betis or the Daughters of India, Miss Binisha Bishunkey ( 10C), Miss Deepika Rai ( 8C), Miss Raksha Das ( 8C) and Miss Clair Upshom ( 9C) presented a graceful dance. Master Lavanya Barik appeared cheerfully with the tri colour in hand once the dance was over, his gesture stood for the immense enthusiasm of childhood wrapped in innocence.


Christmas Celebration

Sacred Heart School celebrated its Christmas programme on the eve of 23rd December, 2021. The Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour were Rev. Father John Tigga and Sr. Francisca respectively. The event began with the prayer song by the choir, Along with the felicitation of our respective guests. Father John Tigga addressed the school with his valuable words and a moral speech, after which the main events began. The children from the Flame of Hope presented their beautiful songs which added to the joyful aura of the eve. The senior girls presented a wonderful dance and enlightened everyone’s mood. Then the middle school boys came up with their act about the birth of Jesus Christ. After the act, the middle school girls mesmerized the audience with soothing songs. All these events were appreciated to the brim, but the best movement of the eve was the entry of our dear Santa Claus. His grand entry added to the energetic ambience of the eve and brought smiles on everyone’s face. The last event was the song by senior boys of class 11. Their performance was the most energetic and also memorable. The celebration then came to an end with the closing speech by our dear Priyanka Ma’am and also a lot of appreciation for the student council for organising such a wonderful event.



Gift of the Gab
In an effort to encourage and facilitate the development of artistic and holistic development of children, the Department of English, Sacred Heart School, organized with zest The Annual Inter-House Elocution Competition, 2021 on Saturday 4th December, 2021 in the Girl’s Hall of Sacred Heart School.
The event was facilitated by Nivedita House and Netaji House, for girls and boys respectively.
The Chief guests were Mr. and Mrs. Anil Gupta, Director Sacred Heart School, Siliguri, who also declared the results of the events. In attendance were the Principal Mr. Prafulla Pradhan, Coordinators, staff members and students of Classes 6-11.
The Gift of the Gab event saw participants from Classes 6-11 participate in a variety of events which ended in the following mentioned participants outperforming their peers.
Poetry Recitation- 1st SamridhiSrijan (Naidu), 2nd Advika Pattadar- (Teresa), 3rd ShristiMukhia-(Nivedita)
Story Telling- 1st NilakshiHait-(Teresa), 2nd UdishaKarn-(Madam Cama), 3rd Helen Das-Nivedita
Declamation- 1st RenisaBasu (Nivedita), 2nd Mayuri Churiwal- (Naidu), 3rd PragyaSaha (Teresa)
Poetry Recitation-1st Mayank Agarwal (Netaji), 2nd Saraswat Sarkar- (Netaji), 3rd Mahesh Acharya-(Gandhi)
Story Telling- 1st Anubhav Bhagat-(Netaji), 2nd Saket Das-(Gandhi), 3rd ParthSarawgi -Tagore
Declamation-1st SwarnimSrijan (Netaji), 2nd Sanim Limbu (Gandhi)- 3rd Rohit Jain (Tagore)
The programme’s judges were Mrs Priyakee Gupta, Mrs Shampa Mukherjee, Mrs Flora Upshon , Ms Lhamu Sherpa, Ms Renita Samson, and Mr Gautam Mukherjee.
The tabulators were: Mr Abhisekh Gupta, Mr Shubham Chettri


Board Display

Inter House Poster making and House board Competition – 20/11/2021
It was indeed a joy to have the children back with us. As the school building throbbed with life, the Saturday activities had been resumed with great fervor on 20th November. Artistic talent has never taken a back seat at Sacred Heart School, and our students busied themselves with colours and paint brushes as the Senior students participated in the Inter House Poster making competition. The middle school children expressed their joy as they put up their House Boards for the upcoming festive season. The Joy of Christmas was reflected in the house boards as cut outs of Santa Claus and Christmas trees decorated the boards.
The winners of the event were :
1st Madam Cama House
2nd Mother Teresa House
3rd Naidu House#sacredheartschoolsiliguri


Awards Ceremony

It is said “A river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence”. The Annual Award Ceremony of Sacred Heart School, Siliguri, was held on its premises, on 24th April, 2021, in the distinguished presence of Mr. Anil Gupta (Director), Mr. Prafulla Mani Pradhan (Principal), teachers and students. The program began with the Lighting of the Lamp followed by the welcome address by our Principal. Then we had the splendid song by our school choir. The award ceremony was held amidst much joy, cheer and applause among the beaming students from grade IX-XII. The meritorious students were awarded certificates and gifts by Principal, Director and teachers. Trophies were distributed to the students for academic and co-curricular activities. Earlier these students had gone through a stringent selection process based, on comprehensive assessment criteria. The jubilant event ended with a vote of thanks by Priyanka ma’am followed by the School song.



Holi Celebration 2021 Memories at SHS !
The great pomp of celebrating Festivals in a whole hearted manner is never done away within Sacred Heart School. As we Gear up for Diwali celebrations with our families tomorrow, we look back at one of our fun celebrations of “Holi” early this year on SHS Premises.
On the 29th day of March’21, the celebration began with a special gathering in the main field where students of class 12 had organized a short programme that marked its end with good greetings from Principal Sir and the beginning of playing with colours.
To add to the significance of the festival of colours, an Inter-class Rangoli Competition was organized. Classes 7A and 8A shared the Victory Cake in Intermediate Level and class 10A took it all in the category which the students of classes 10 to 12 had participated in.


Interhouse Poster Making Competition

It is often said –
““Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” !
Our Heartians realised that, when they drew colorful Posters to spread their Message across many! Since every Saturday is an eventful day at SHS, we look back at one of our most creative extra currcicular events held early this year on 3/4/2021.
Boys and Girls respectively took part in an Interhouse Poster Making Competition to use their young minds and display their ideas through paintings and sketches. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity.
Our Teachers congratulated the efforts by awarding the following Ranks –
Interhouse Sit & Draw poster making competition for boys –
1st – Tagore house
2nd – Gandhi house
3rd – Netaji house
4th – Nehru house
Interhouse Sit & Draw poster making competition for Girls –
1st – Sister Nivedita
2nd – Madam Cama
3rd – Sarojini Naidu
4th – Mother Teresa


Investiture Ceremony

Responsibility is not only about growing as an individual ideal, it’s also about helping the world grow as a spectrum where unity is strength and individuality is extolled…. every responsible man is a leader and will surely be awarded for his work.
Every session, Sacred Heart School recognises its new leaders holding hands in solidarity and also recognises the achievement of students in various fields. The Investiture ceremony and the Awards day 2022-23, were held on 8th April 2022 at 1 p.m. in the school Basket Ball Court. Nilakshi Hait of grade 8 conducted the Investiture ceremony very efficiently.
We were highly honoured to have Mrs. Rajani Parmer as our chief guest and Ms. Rozy Mehta as our Guest of Honour. The event commenced with a welcome dance by Renisa Basu of grade 10. She mesmerised the crowd with her graceful moves on a poetry jointly written by Mr Arpan Rai and Miss Mayuri Churiwal, voiced by Pragya Saha and Mayuri Churiwal. A sense of leadership aroused in the students when the school choir got the enthusiastic air into rhythm after Principal Sir administered the oath of office.
After the Investiture, we moved on to the awards ceremony which was conducted by Mrs. Spandita Purkait. Getting recognised in front of the entire Sacred Heart family was indeed a proud moment for the students.
The Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour addressed the students and congratulated them on their achievements. It was an enriching experience to hear them speak.


Rangoli Competition

The great pomp of celebrating Colours is never done away with in Sacred Heart School. Heartians rejoice the vibrant occasion of coming of spring and spread of love. Likewise, this year, on the 29th day of March, the celebration began with a special gathering in the main field where students of class 12 had organized a short programme that marked its end with good greetings from Principal Sir and the beginning of playing with colours. To add to the significance of the celebrating colours, an Inter-class Rangoli Competition was organized. Classes 7A and 8A shared the Victory Cake in Intermediate Level and class 10A took it all in the category which the students of classes 10 to 12 had participated in.


New Year Picnic

Picnic For Classess II – VII
Venus: Uttaran Park
Number of students -42
Teachers Incharge- RR,CG,ADM,ARp, RPL PBK and FU
We went to the park at 1:00 p.m. We had our lunch at 2:00 p.m. The children played different types of games including the teachers and enjoyed themselves. We had a photo session which was done by Pankaj sir. The boys played badminton with the teachers which were like the cream on the cake. The girls too enjoyed playing with the teachers. We had our tea at 3:45 and played in the swing for some time. We spent our new year laughing, playing, singing and dancing. We returned back to school at 5 p.m. It was a memorable new year for us.


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